Tips to enjoy exercise - (2)

Tips to enjoy exercise

Tip No: 2

This is the most important part of exercising. Go to your happy place. Be you while you exercise. Change to the clothes that'll make you feel comfortable and not to 'fitness model shoot' type of clothes. Keep it clean and simple.
Next, be happy while you exercise. Don't stress yourself with thoughts of something that happened in the workplace or anything at all. You can pair or team up with your friends and giggle or burst out into laughter with funny jokes but never gossip or talk about anything serious, sad or depressing. If you prefer to do it alone, then tune to some good music of your favorite genre or listen to a sermon or sing or you can watch your favorite show! A good show that will surely make you laugh. Laughing (smiling) is one of the best exercises ever created. It will tone your face and neck. Try it!

These easy tips will help you enjoy excercise if you follow it on daily basis. (Other tips are found on my page) Do stay tuned for other tips!

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